Wright's Color Run

April 12th, 2024

Wright Elementary School

The Color Fun Run fundraiser for Wright Elementary School is all about bringing our school community together for a day of fun, fitness, and color explosion! We're throwing this event to:

Raise Some Dough - Yep, we need to raise funds for our school. Whether it's for new playground equipment, cool field trips, or sprucing up our classrooms, every dollar counts!

Get Moving - We want to get everyone up and active! It's not about being the fastest runner; it's about having a blast while getting some exercise. Plus, it's a perfect excuse to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air.

Paint the Town (Or at least our school) Red... and Blue... and Yellow! - Who doesn't love getting doused in colors? The Color Fun Run is all about adding a splash of vibrancy to our day. Wear white and get ready to be transformed into a walking rainbow!

Bonding Time - Let's face it, life gets busy. This event is a chance for students, parents, teachers, and the whole neighborhood to come together, hang out, and share some laughs.

Learn Some Life Lessons - Sure, it's a fun run, but there's more to it. We'll be teaching our kids about teamwork, setting goals, and giving back. Plus, they'll see firsthand how awesome it feels to make a positive impact on their school.

So, let's lace up those sneakers, and get ready for the most colorful day of the year at Wright Elementary!


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Wright's Color Run

April 12th, 2024

Wright Elementary School

The Color Fun Run fundraiser for Wright Elementary School is all about bringing our school community together for a day of fun, fitness, and color explosion! We're throwing this event to:

Raise Some Dough - Yep, we need to raise funds for our school. Whether it's for new playground equipment, cool field trips, or sprucing up our classrooms, every dollar counts!

Get Moving - We want to get everyone up and active! It's not about being the fastest runner; it's about having a blast while getting some exercise. Plus, it's a perfect excuse to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air.

Paint the Town (Or at least our school) Red... and Blue... and Yellow! - Who doesn't love getting doused in colors? The Color Fun Run is all about adding a splash of vibrancy to our day. Wear white and get ready to be transformed into a walking rainbow!

Bonding Time - Let's face it, life gets busy. This event is a chance for students, parents, teachers, and the whole neighborhood to come together, hang out, and share some laughs.

Learn Some Life Lessons - Sure, it's a fun run, but there's more to it. We'll be teaching our kids about teamwork, setting goals, and giving back. Plus, they'll see firsthand how awesome it feels to make a positive impact on their school.

So, let's lace up those sneakers, and get ready for the most colorful day of the year at Wright Elementary!


Watch Our Event Video
Classroom Donations Leaderboard
Rank Classroom Name Raised
1 Wurst - 5th Grade $1,835.00
2 Bridgewater - 2nd Grade $1,390.00
3 Mrs. Bannister - K5 $895.00
4 Moore - 1st Grade $850.00
5 Shaw - 4th Grade $790.00

Show Your Support!

SCHOOL GOAL $2,500.00
Our School Has 298 Total Donations
Donations Accepted Until April 20th, 2024
hours minutes seconds left

Parent Registration Instructions

  1. Register for the fundraiser or login to your parent dashboard here
  2. On the parent dashboard, make sure your child has been successfully added to our fundraising event
  3. Share, easily send at least 10 text messages and/or E-mails, plus post on social media

T.E.A.M = Together, Everyone, Achieves, More!

Easy Scan for Registration

Event Updates

Wright Color Run is LIVE! 

Don't forget to check out all the incentives by clicking below!

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